Talisman Hire Jeffreys Bay (Express Store)

07 July 2022 | Admin

Talisman Hire Jeffreys Bay (Express Store)

Brad Hiles invested in a Talisman Hire express store in Jeffreys Bay to complement his existing Talisman Hire stores in Port Elizabeth.

Talisman Hire Jeffreys Bay (Express Store)
 opened on Wednesday 6 July 2022.

Congratulations Brad! The Talisman network wishes you and your team all the best.  Many happy returns with your new store. Thank you for your continuous support and investment in the Talisman brand.

Talisman Hire Jeffreys Bay address and contact details:
Build It Lifestyle Shopping Centre, St Francis Street, Jeffreys Bay
042 008 5002 / 083 845 9547
Brad Hiles (083 645 0467 /bradh@talisman.co.za)